Sunday, February 05, 2006


Return to Luxor

Leaving Aswan, we cruised back up the Nile to Luxor for our final night.

We landed in Luxor and disembarked the boat for some more exploring. First stop the ATM to get enough money to pay our bar bill, and then on to the bookshop. Next we wandered towards the bazaar with insistent calesh drivers telling us the tourist bazaar was shut and then one chap started to lead us down another street to "his brother's shop" which all felt distinctly iffy so we determinedly back-tracked and carried on with our original plan. In due course, we found some open shops etc and found a nice open air cafe for a refuelling stop - and who should we meet but the rest of the group who had headed straight there.

Suitably refreshed, we walked back round to the entrance to Luxor temple where we had arranged to meet Heidi and Michelle. Most impressive it was too, despite the lack of photographic evidence!

We walked back to the boat for a spot of dinner and then Heidi, Michelle and us set forth on a final expedition through Luxor. The market was amazing at night, lots of little shops and side-streets selling absolutely everything you don't actually need. We were amongst the only tourists wandering about and so this was probably a slightly more authentically Egyptian market than the tourist traps we had seen before, and Anne and Michelle kept the traders happy with some dodgy (and to be fair, not so dodgy) deals.

We finally returned to the boat after mid-night for our last night in Egypt.

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