Saturday, February 04, 2006


Last day in Aswan

Avoiding the camel trek to St Simeon meant we could have a lie in at last! Well, sort of. Clearly the rest of the group had temple fatigue by now as there were only 7 of us down to visit the temples at Philae, so it was a small and select group that soon boarded a couple of taxis which took us up to the spot to catch a boat over to the island. It was a glorious morning and there were all sorts of birds to watch as we whizzed over the water. The setting for the temples made this trip well worth while and the weather was simply glorious, so a fun time was had by all (well, me at least).

Temples duely examined and photographed, it was a quick boat ride back to shore and then a taxi back to our boat where we boarded for the sail back to Luxor. All those early morning starts were catching up with us a bit so the chance just to relax on board and chat with new friends provided a pleasant contrast to the hustle and bustle at the start of the tour.

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