Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Medinet Habu

Fresh from the workers' tombs, onwards to Medinet Habu which came as something of a shock to the system. Here, in the middle of nowhere, was the most amazing temple that basically made the jaw drop. In part no doubt this was because it was the first temple we had seen ... but also because of the sheer scale and audacity of the architecture.

This was ancient Egypt writ large.

Unfortunately my photographs don't really do it justice ... probably because I spent most of the time wandering round with my jaw on the floor. The state of preservation was astonishing - just look at the paint still atop the columns in the hypostyle hall.

So ... day 3 and so far we've done a balloon trip, visited the tonbs of the workers and now the temples at Medinet Habu. That would be more than enough for one day don't you think? But Oh no ... not for us ... we returned to the boat for a spot of lunch and then it was time to hit the Caleche again for a trip to Karnak!

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